Eco Friendly

Tree Care & The Environment

Tree work is typically noisy, dirty, and harmful to the environment. However, at Villeda Tree Service LA, we have a different approach. We perform 90% of our cutting quietly using manual tools like hand saws, pruners, and pole pruners. We limit chainsaw usage to larger limbs, reducing our dependence on noisy and messy fossil fuels. Additionally, we use electric chainsaws whenever possible, further minimizing our environmental impact.

Environment Friendly

We prioritize environmental sustainability in our tree care practices. Our ground cleaning process involves using rakes and an electric blower to minimize dust and noise pollution. We opt for Stihl BioPlus, a vegetable-based oil for chainsaws, which biodegrades in less than three weeks.

All wood and branches are transported to a green waste recycling facility. If you’re interested in repurposing the wood, for wood chips, you can use Chip Drop, a platform that connects arborists with homeowners who need wood chips for landscaping.

Schedule a Consultation

Villeda Tree Service is a company that specializes in tree care services for homeowners in Los Angeles. Our services include top-notch arborist consultation and tree care, and we are recognized for providing high-quality work. We prioritize the ethical treatment of the urban forest by making decisions that benefit each tree whenever feasible. If you need our services, please feel free to call, email, or complete our online form. We look forward to taking care of your trees!